First Post
I am stepping into the unknown territory of hosting my own site on the internet. It has been a long time coming and long over due given the two things that people often say about me: 1. I have a slant toward tech, 2. I should have a website by now.
It is going to my artist presence on the internet with my intention to continue to grow my practice. I have been really fortunate to have some really good years recently and I want to share what I have created and see what happens over the next few.
This website will have the straight forward artist site material, online galleries, documentation clips, links to articles, CV. These things are part of the web presence that I think that people are asking for. I have been told by my friends, and ego surfing confirms this, that my web presence for a practicing artist is at an at time low. It will be great to bring these things all under one roof.
For the next while I'll use these blog entries to externalize what I am thinking about setting up here. I think at first this is going to be a place to write about the process of getting a website up and going and then branch out into other topics related to practice. I am interested in writing about practical things - my desk, my paint table, my florescent light fixtures, my computer - tools and shop talk really. These practical things I feel will be a good way to get the words moving. In terms of Art writing I have a few essays that are just sitting on my hard drive that I am actually proud of and I feel stand up to sharing with the world on the internet.
Looking ahead I have more time in the studio now and a grant to take advantage of in the new year. We'll see how much and what this site grows into. Right now it is good to be here.