Some Days Are Better Than Others
'Some days are better than others.' What Mikky was saying few times while we were out yesterday. Hiking all around the ponds, hills and coves just south of Hopedale. Some fishing, some shots off for birds too. Spotted a seal each, but only too briefly and no other sign. The land is so beautiful. Nunatsiavut, 'Our Beautiful Land', good name I got to say. We had a couple of boil ups. Tea and homemade bread that his wife had made the day before. Snowed hard when we were waiting for the seals. Far across the cove was could still make out the point by open water that Mikky said he was thinking about taking me that day where we might have had a better chance.
My foot and knee were hurting by the end of the long day hiking. We were out from 11:30 til eight. My knee feels good today which is a relief. I'd be up for hiking out again. Mik said he might call too.
Will be setting up the studio space today. Close to two weeks to work. I was a little anxious about the work going well or not. Like yesterday, it will be whatever it is. Hunting and painting, pretty good way to spend two weeks for me.